(All two of you that were unfortunate enough to stumble upon this mad little blog and have yet to hit the back button.)
Long time no see. I know I'm a horrible blogger. I also know that I expound upon this realization about, oh, every time I deem it necessary to post. However, I did have a reason for being so distant these past couple of months, my dearests.
That's right. I, who stumbled over the very basics of Algebra, (well, okay, that's a bit of an exaggeration. I did hate it, though, nasty persnickety subject), decided it would be just dandy to take Physics. Sort of. I did it for the honors cred. (That I didn't get, actually. Thanks to Physics. And PreCal.) However, I am back. Do you know why?
I am out of high school.
It's done. Over. Finito and Kaput.
Yes, most of you don't care. However, most of you are only here by accident, so why are you giving your opinion anyway?
Hmm... I think I get a bit edgy with imaginary criticism. I should check on that. Definitely not one of the saner aspects of my personality. Sorry.
Anyway, I am now enjoying the glorious high school-free summer and looking forward to college. (Huzzah!)
But you know what else?
I'm blogging. Yes. Me, the ever-flaky Comfits is blogging.
Well, obviously. This is a blog, afterall, and you are reading this on here--
Nevermind. What I mean is- I am blogging regularly. No more hit-but-mostly-miss annual posts consisting of little more than passing apologies.
Sorry about that, by the way.
No- I am making a... mid-year resolution to become a top-notch blogger supreme.
You can bet on it.
Hopefully this will last past Thursday.
See you,
p.s. I got a camera so maybe you will get pictures... see?
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