Wednesday, August 6, 2008

oh- completely unrelated picture post

I know large blocks of text are annoying, and I forgot to put pictures for my last post, so I'll put some here.
They are completely unrelated to anything, as my pictures tend to be.

See? Unrelated to everything except my near-obsession with Gaspard Ulliel (French actor in A Very Long Engagement. He also played Hannibal Lector in Hannibal Rising, but he is vair creepy and not-hot in that movie, so I don't recommend it.)
You can thank me at any time for the nice dreams you'll have.
Gah- he melts my face off.


hallo all, I know I am badly bad at this blogging things, but I really am sorry.
Not sorry enough to think up a reason, but- you know- sorry nonetheless.
A new school year is starting (unforfunately)next Monday
I'll be a senior.
but I'll also be on Newspaper staff, (ha- who's ever idea that was must be brain damaged- giving me a forum that's easily accessed by our school's youth, but I digress)
So I'm thinking I'll post the articles I write for the newspaper, (they'll hopefully be music/book reviews, because I don't think I could write anything else...) on here.
Not that anybody reads this...
but yes.
also- I was rereading some previous posts, and I realized i say "ho-ya" a ridiculous amount of times.
So I'm sorry, that makes me sound like an asshat of the first order.
and I'm almost completely sure that I am not.
So I'll try to refrain from saying it too often, ho-ya.