Actually, I rather like vacuuming. Sure, we have a very finicky old vacuum that weighs a ton and is quite hard to maneuver, but the entire house takes about an hour to vacuum, so I get about an hour, (or more if I purposefully go slowly... not that I do that), to read. Well, to listen to others read.
I really like audiobooks. I get them from the library, usually, because Librivox, though lovely, has a very limited selection. And I am much too poor for Audible.
I just finished Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict by Laurie Viera, (quite good, though the ending was, for me, a little disappointing. I'll post a full review soon), and now I'm about to start Zadie Smith's On Beauty as part of my 1% Well Read Challenge. We'll see how that works out.
I also really like podcasts while I'm doing random household nonsense. I'll go into detail about some of my favorites and frequent listens, but suffice it to say Cast On and Knitty Nora are both very high up there. (Yes, my knitting obsession is getting worse by the day.)
Speaking of which, I'm trying to psych myself up to start my first pair of socks. I found this, Silver's Sock Class, which I heard about on Ravelry. Apparently, it is idiot-proof, which really just means if-you-fail-pretend-you-didn't. So I'll be feeling around for some cheap sock yarn to cast on for that.
hmm... I think that's it.
I'll be back with more knitting and/or reading news soon.
Possibly even tonight. :)
Just found this

... if my obsession doesn't lift soon, I may very well consider getting one... :)
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