Monday, August 17, 2009

Bridget Jones

Alright, I just finished watching Bridget Jones (the first of course... they definitely could have stopped with that one because one movie full of Hugh Grant is more than enough. Granted, one thousand movies full of Colin Firth doesn't begin to be enough, so I guess it's alright...)
Do you know, every time I watched that movie I'm inspired? And maybe that's ridiculous, because it's not like it's profound. Or even plausible. (Two guys? Well, two HOT guys? Over one incredibly neurotic girl? Jumping through cafe windows? I don't think so.)
Anyways, it inspires me. To write, oddly enough. To grab hold of my life. Why? Maybe it's that montage where she (momentarily) gets rid of all of her vodka and self-help books and Chaka-Kans her way to the gym. Maybe it's her finally figuring out what an utter asshat Daniel Cleaver (the aforementioned Grant, who you may have gathered: I am not particularly fond of.) Maybe it's writing in that little red notebook all of those pithy little sayings about a life that is scarily like my own, if almost 10 years apart.
Whatever it is, I've decided something. Something which I've probably decided many times in my life, but which I plan to actually fulfill this time, when I'm on the precipice of a real life, of a life that is something more than passing Physics and buying Teen Vogue and crushing on that boy in History class. I want to be my own person.
Now, I realize this is slightly ridiculous. I myself feel as if I should be wearing a shirt that says "Individual!" in glittery letters and giving speeches to middle-schoolers. But I'm serious. I get so swept up in the... drama.
I'm not talking about "following the crowd" or being "most unique" (I already am that, according to my high school. Cheers to them for choosing a redheaded "Weatherly" as most unique. I can tell a lot of thought went into that decision...)
To be honest, I couldn't give a shit what most people think. But, like Bridget, it's the guys that get me.
I know. I promise this will not turn into a relationship blog, God help me. I just... there's so much crap that happens, so many people I get attached to that just let me down that I wonder how I can have time to be my own person.
So I've decided to make a change. I've ordered this: little red notebook and am making this pledge: I will write down a log of my life, trivial as it is, so I can better figure out what to do with it.
Yes, I realize how ridiculous it is to pledge to "be my own person" whilst blatantly copying someone else. But I think of it as inspiration. This is a change, an alteration in thinking. No- an alteration in acting. I want to BE a different person, not just wish it.
I can just tell that my blog (and my brain) will thank me.

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