Well, yes it is a bit early for resolutions, I know.
but I never seem to keep the ones I make on New Year's, so why not start when I'm feeling motivated? Good plan.
Resolutions for 2009:
1) post to blog once a week-- ah ha! I bet you knew this was coming, huh? Yes, well, I might actually keep it this time. (Here's hoping)
2) post to Wardrobe Remix once a week-- To motivate me to start dressing cute, of course. I've just gotten a bunch of cute clothes, so I should show them off. :)
3) post to Wardrobe Revamp once a week-- to help with #2, and to help save money for college.
4) Write for at least 30 min. every day-- I mean it!
5) Craft for at least 30 min. every day-- I really mean it!
5) Get hooked on a show for crafting marathons-- ha, yes, odd resolution, but I find that I don't mind crafting for hours on end if I'm watching something lovely. I already have: The Holiday and Guys and Dolls as prime crafting entertainment.
I'm thinking Grey's Anatomy, even though I'm not the biggest fan, because I got the 1st and 2nd seasons on DVD.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Wow, I am a terrible blogger.

So, this is a terrible blog. I am terrible at updating.
However- I'm here with good news! I've decided to take the Wardrobe Refashion challenge, as I have way too many clothes that need to be refashioned. Also- I don't have any money, and I need some new clothes to get ready for college. WHOO
I contacted the person in charge of Wardrobe Refashion, so hopefully I'll be a pproved, and for the next four months I'll bust that stash and get some new clothes while living the sustainable life.
I Weatherly Richardson pledge that I shall abstain from the purchase of "new" manufactured items of clothing, for the period of 2 / 4 / 6 months. I pledge that i shall refashion, renovate, recycle preloved items for myself with my own hands in fabric, yarn or other medium for the term of my contract. I pledge that I will share the love and post a photo of my refashioned, renovoted, recycled, crafted or created item of clothing on the Wardrobe Refashion blog, so that others may share the joy that thy thriftiness brings! Signed Weatherly Richardson
p.s. It is extremely annoying how Blogspot turns every word of the title to another language. Just saying.
p.s.s. The picture has nothing to do with this post, but Broccoli Wokly? Awesome.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
It was a dark and stormy night...

The pounding of computer keys. The buzz of over-caffeination. The anguished sounds of brains exploding. No- it isn’t finals week- it’s NaNoWriMo.
If you are inquisitive, then you ask, “Nanowha?” To which I answer: Erm… NaNoWriMo, that is, National Novel Writing Month. A super-spectacular event wherein one attempts to write a 50,000 word novel, (about 175 pages) from November 1 to November 30. For those of you into schedules- that rounds to about 1667 words a day. The writing bonanza that I've been looking forward to since last November.
This may sound like a lot. Don't worry, it's completely feasible. In fact, last year I missed exactly eight writing days, and wrote less than my 1667 words at least half the month, and I still managed to scrape a win. (Of course, my November consisted of a lot of late nights and canceled social arrangements, but I digress.)
Some people ask- what's the point? If the writing doesn't have to be good, then why write it? To these people I say this: oh, do shut up. 50,000 odd, cliché, or plain awful words is still 50,000 words. Those words may never be written otherwise; and among all of the stilted dialog and long, rambling rants about shoes or cheese or dreary weather, there may be some writing in there that's good.
If you reach the 50,000 word mark and verify your word count online by 11:59 on November 30, you are declared a winner, and obtain the rights to brag to friends, family, and random strangers on the street that you are a novelist. Also- you get a nifty certificate.
Sound like fun on a stick? Well, for those of you thinking of participating this year, here's some handy advice from a veteran:
-Write badly. No one is going to read it unless you want them to. It's almost NaNoWriMo 2008 and I still haven't let anyone read '07's nanovel. Write what's in your head; you can edit in December.
-Join a writer's group. Yeah, they exist. Yeah, they really help. Being able to talk to someone about why your main character has to die, or why that bridge that is the background of your story just exploded actually helps. So come find me, and we can nano together. And remember: keep writing!
Saturday, September 27, 2008

It's almost here.
I've been waiting since last December.
Wishing for November.
It's so close I can almost taste the overdose of coffee.
I can almost hear the clanking sound of furious typing 1667 words a day.
I'm excited.
Can you tell?
More NaNo-y stuff to come.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
oh- completely unrelated picture post
I know large blocks of text are annoying, and I forgot to put pictures for my last post, so I'll put some here.
They are completely unrelated to anything, as my pictures tend to be.

See? Unrelated to everything except my near-obsession with Gaspard Ulliel (French actor in A Very Long Engagement. He also played Hannibal Lector in Hannibal Rising, but he is vair creepy and not-hot in that movie, so I don't recommend it.)
You can thank me at any time for the nice dreams you'll have.
Gah- he melts my face off.
They are completely unrelated to anything, as my pictures tend to be.

See? Unrelated to everything except my near-obsession with Gaspard Ulliel (French actor in A Very Long Engagement. He also played Hannibal Lector in Hannibal Rising, but he is vair creepy and not-hot in that movie, so I don't recommend it.)
You can thank me at any time for the nice dreams you'll have.
Gah- he melts my face off.
hallo all, I know I am badly bad at this blogging things, but I really am sorry.
Not sorry enough to think up a reason, but- you know- sorry nonetheless.
A new school year is starting (unforfunately)next Monday
I'll be a senior.
but I'll also be on Newspaper staff, (ha- who's ever idea that was must be brain damaged- giving me a forum that's easily accessed by our school's youth, but I digress)
So I'm thinking I'll post the articles I write for the newspaper, (they'll hopefully be music/book reviews, because I don't think I could write anything else...) on here.
Not that anybody reads this...
but yes.
also- I was rereading some previous posts, and I realized i say "ho-ya" a ridiculous amount of times.
So I'm sorry, that makes me sound like an asshat of the first order.
and I'm almost completely sure that I am not.
So I'll try to refrain from saying it too often, ho-ya.
Not sorry enough to think up a reason, but- you know- sorry nonetheless.
A new school year is starting (unforfunately)next Monday
I'll be a senior.
but I'll also be on Newspaper staff, (ha- who's ever idea that was must be brain damaged- giving me a forum that's easily accessed by our school's youth, but I digress)
So I'm thinking I'll post the articles I write for the newspaper, (they'll hopefully be music/book reviews, because I don't think I could write anything else...) on here.
Not that anybody reads this...
but yes.
also- I was rereading some previous posts, and I realized i say "ho-ya" a ridiculous amount of times.
So I'm sorry, that makes me sound like an asshat of the first order.
and I'm almost completely sure that I am not.
So I'll try to refrain from saying it too often, ho-ya.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Dr. Horrible- The best thing since jam and toast.
Alright, so I have a confession to make: I don't watch Joss Whedon.
It's not anything personal, I don't have a grudge against him or anything. In fact, from what I've heard, I think we'd get along quite swimmingly.
It's just- I've never been in the right place at the right time to catch his stuff.
(that could have been worded better, but anyways)
I've never seen Firefly, I didn't watch Buffy, or Angel. It just hasn't been in the cards.
Until now.
(urgh- I wanted that to be cinematic, but it came off as cheesy. sorry sorry)
Dr. Horrible is the best thing since jam and toast. I'm not.
I stumbled on it today, (which, luck of all lucks, happened to be the day it premiered online. What are the chances?), and I'm officially in love.
It's hilarious.

DoctorHorrible.net says:
“It’s the story of a low-rent super-villain, the hero who keeps beating him up, and the cute girl from the laundromat he’s too shy to talk to.” says Whedon.
“Doctor Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog” will star Neil Patrick Harris as Dr. Horrible, Nathan Fillion as Captain Hammer, Felicia Day as Penny and a cast of dozens.”
I say: the first episode (of three) went up today, and I've already watched it twice.
It's funny, but not trying too hard, and I've already fallen in love with the dear old Doc. This is the beginning of something great.
Find it here: http://www.drhorrible.com
Trust me- it's golden.
It's not anything personal, I don't have a grudge against him or anything. In fact, from what I've heard, I think we'd get along quite swimmingly.
It's just- I've never been in the right place at the right time to catch his stuff.
(that could have been worded better, but anyways)
I've never seen Firefly, I didn't watch Buffy, or Angel. It just hasn't been in the cards.
Until now.
(urgh- I wanted that to be cinematic, but it came off as cheesy. sorry sorry)
Dr. Horrible is the best thing since jam and toast. I'm not.
I stumbled on it today, (which, luck of all lucks, happened to be the day it premiered online. What are the chances?), and I'm officially in love.
It's hilarious.

DoctorHorrible.net says:
“It’s the story of a low-rent super-villain, the hero who keeps beating him up, and the cute girl from the laundromat he’s too shy to talk to.” says Whedon.
“Doctor Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog” will star Neil Patrick Harris as Dr. Horrible, Nathan Fillion as Captain Hammer, Felicia Day as Penny and a cast of dozens.”
I say: the first episode (of three) went up today, and I've already watched it twice.
It's funny, but not trying too hard, and I've already fallen in love with the dear old Doc. This is the beginning of something great.
Find it here: http://www.drhorrible.com
Trust me- it's golden.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Magic 8-ball, yeah this is what i do with my time
The way it works:
1. Put your iPod on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question.
How am I feeling today?
Cry me a river- justin timberlake
(I’m either bitter or a total emo kid. Take your pick, I prefer the former)
Will I get far in life?
I’ve got you- mcfly
(so I guess that means… yes. If I’ve got you. I am completely dependent on the possession of a person.
I’m screwed.)
How do my friends see me?
There she goes- the la’s
(ha... if this was how my friends saw me, my life would be a bad abcfamily movie.)
When will I get married?
The town that you live in- Sherwood
(hmm… not when but where… magic 8-ball ipod being all vague. I really don’t like this song, I’ve realized.)
What is my best friend's theme song?
naked as we came- Iron and Wine
(ha- I am not EVEN going there.)
What is the story of my life?
Loony Lovegood-the Cedric Diggorys
(Wow… this explains so much.)
What was high school like?
In Other Words- Ben Kweller
How am I going to get ahead in life?
The Rain Song- The Dreamer and the Sleeper
(I’m going to rain. Or, I’m going to sleep. Or maybe a combination of both- I’m not picky.)
What is the best thing about me?
Percy is a Prat- Gred and Forge
(hmmm… maybe that I’m blunt? Or that I insult fictional characters. Take your pick.)
How is today going to be?
Airport Taxi Reception- Sondre Lerche
(sigh… I could comment, but that would take my attention away from my future lover. Gah- I love him)
What is in store for this weekend?
ghosts and memory- night gallery
(whooo… Graveyard tour? Sahweet)
What song describes my parents?
boys and girls- good charlotte
(well… yes, literally I guess.)
What song describes your grandparents?
something to do- stever must lead the rebellion
How is my life going?
breathe- anna nalick.
(well… I guess that’s positive.it’s significantly healthier than not breathing)
What song will they play at my funeral?
platform nine and three quarters- john Williams.
(Oh.my.god. I love my ipod. And my funeral arranger)
How does the world see me?
shadenfreude- avenue q
Will I have a happy life?
you picked the perfect time to be honest- moraine
(Erm… okaaaay)
What do my friends really think of me?
I gotta get through this- Daniel bedingfield
(Ha- ouch.)
Do people secretly lust after me?
santa baby- kylie minogue.
(Yes- but only obese old men who break into strangers’ houses and eat their cookies.
How can I make myself happy?
year to be hated- unitard.
(Hmm… well that sucks)
What should I do with my life?
SOS- Jonas Brothers
(Oh- I guess I should kill myself because I have the Jonas Brothers on my ipod.)
Will I ever have children?
Love is no big truth- kings of convenience
(Ha- alrightey then)
What is some good advice for me?
queen of the party girls- she said yeah
What is my signature dancing song?
Dear Constable- Harrisons
(err- yeah. I mean I can dance to anything, but…)
What do I think my current theme song is?
fire of eternal glory- dmitri Shostakovich
What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
O G and the D- Otis Goodnight
(ooh- jazzy. Alright)
What type of men/women do you like?
Ride Captain Ride- Blue Oyster Cult
(hmm… a bit pervy really)
What kind of kisser are you?
summer girl- beck
(I can only kiss in the summer. Any other time, you are SOL)
What's your style?
breakfast at tiffany;s0 deep blue something.
(Ho-ya I can deal with that.)
What kind of lover are you?
oh yeah- huck johns
What would be playing on a first date?
pink moon- nick drake
(a bit melancholy for a first date, but so it is)
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Across the Universe- Jim Sturgess
(wow… best answer ever)
1. Put your iPod on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question.
How am I feeling today?
Cry me a river- justin timberlake
(I’m either bitter or a total emo kid. Take your pick, I prefer the former)
Will I get far in life?
I’ve got you- mcfly
(so I guess that means… yes. If I’ve got you. I am completely dependent on the possession of a person.
I’m screwed.)
How do my friends see me?
There she goes- the la’s
(ha... if this was how my friends saw me, my life would be a bad abcfamily movie.)
When will I get married?
The town that you live in- Sherwood
(hmm… not when but where… magic 8-ball ipod being all vague. I really don’t like this song, I’ve realized.)
What is my best friend's theme song?
naked as we came- Iron and Wine
(ha- I am not EVEN going there.)
What is the story of my life?
Loony Lovegood-the Cedric Diggorys
(Wow… this explains so much.)
What was high school like?
In Other Words- Ben Kweller
How am I going to get ahead in life?
The Rain Song- The Dreamer and the Sleeper
(I’m going to rain. Or, I’m going to sleep. Or maybe a combination of both- I’m not picky.)
What is the best thing about me?
Percy is a Prat- Gred and Forge
(hmmm… maybe that I’m blunt? Or that I insult fictional characters. Take your pick.)
How is today going to be?
Airport Taxi Reception- Sondre Lerche
(sigh… I could comment, but that would take my attention away from my future lover. Gah- I love him)
What is in store for this weekend?
ghosts and memory- night gallery
(whooo… Graveyard tour? Sahweet)
What song describes my parents?
boys and girls- good charlotte
(well… yes, literally I guess.)
What song describes your grandparents?
something to do- stever must lead the rebellion
How is my life going?
breathe- anna nalick.
(well… I guess that’s positive.it’s significantly healthier than not breathing)
What song will they play at my funeral?
platform nine and three quarters- john Williams.
(Oh.my.god. I love my ipod. And my funeral arranger)
How does the world see me?
shadenfreude- avenue q
Will I have a happy life?
you picked the perfect time to be honest- moraine
(Erm… okaaaay)
What do my friends really think of me?
I gotta get through this- Daniel bedingfield
(Ha- ouch.)
Do people secretly lust after me?
santa baby- kylie minogue.
(Yes- but only obese old men who break into strangers’ houses and eat their cookies.
How can I make myself happy?
year to be hated- unitard.
(Hmm… well that sucks)
What should I do with my life?
SOS- Jonas Brothers
(Oh- I guess I should kill myself because I have the Jonas Brothers on my ipod.)
Will I ever have children?
Love is no big truth- kings of convenience
(Ha- alrightey then)
What is some good advice for me?
queen of the party girls- she said yeah
What is my signature dancing song?
Dear Constable- Harrisons
(err- yeah. I mean I can dance to anything, but…)
What do I think my current theme song is?
fire of eternal glory- dmitri Shostakovich
What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
O G and the D- Otis Goodnight
(ooh- jazzy. Alright)
What type of men/women do you like?
Ride Captain Ride- Blue Oyster Cult
(hmm… a bit pervy really)
What kind of kisser are you?
summer girl- beck
(I can only kiss in the summer. Any other time, you are SOL)
What's your style?
breakfast at tiffany;s0 deep blue something.
(Ho-ya I can deal with that.)
What kind of lover are you?
oh yeah- huck johns
What would be playing on a first date?
pink moon- nick drake
(a bit melancholy for a first date, but so it is)
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Across the Universe- Jim Sturgess
(wow… best answer ever)
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
I'm Keeping My Promise!
Yes, I am actually keeping a promise that I made earlier in the blog. I'm on break, (well... I'm out of school, but currently at work. take that as you will.)
and I remembered that I said I'd be reviewing things over break. Ta Da- I am!
I found a great, (read: barely legal) site that puts up lots of movies, most with japanese subtitles, that you can watch without having to download for FREE!
I know- it's AWESOME.
Anyways, I've been averaging about a movie a night for the past week or so, and I must say- I'm pleasantly surprised. Their selection is a little narrow, but the ones that I've watched have been very good, whole movies without weird cuts or any of those other internet hassles.
A tip for finding movies: go to the Movies tab, click A to Z list, and a list will come up. Pick the movies that don't have (Veoh) next to the name. The Veoh movies are just previews, and even after you sign up for the service, they still are only previews.
So, anyways, I've watched a few movies:
--Rocket Science
IMDB says:Coming of age in Plainsboro, New Jersey. High school student Hal Hefner stutters. On the evening his parents stop arguing and separate, 43 miles away at the state tournament, his school's legendary debater, Ben Wekselbaum, goes blank mid-sentence, Ben's teammate Ginny Ryerson doesn't get a first-place trophy, and the world changes. That fall, to Hal's amazement, Ginny recruits him for the debate team, mentors him, and will be his partner. He still has his stutter, but he works hard and he falls in love with Ginny. On the day of the first debate of the season, the world changes again. From then until the day of the state tournament, Hal has a lot to sort out. Is love rocket science?
Parcels and Comfits says: by far, the best movie I've watched on the site, and easily in my top five ever.
the acting is natural and believable, the humor is subtle and sarcastic, and the story is jeartwarming and heartbreaking all at once. It's darn near perfect. Plus- I now have a HUGE crush Reece Thompson and Nick D'Agosto

--The Chumscrubber
IMDB says:The Chumscrubber starts out with Troy,a normal teenager who supplies "feel good" pills to everyone in his high school(this way he spreads happiness all around). But when his friend Dean pays him a visit, Dean discovers Troy has hung himself in his bedroom during one of his mother's pool parties.After the death,three local teens: Billy,Lee,and Crystal, want what's left of Troy's stash of pills and they know that Dean is the only one who knows where they are. But when Dean refuses to get the pills, the three teens kidnap Dean's little brother, until they realize they've kidnapped the wrong kid.
Parcels and Comfits says: Very funny, great soundtrack, and really touching at times. Jamie Bell, who I have adored since Billy Elliot, is a genius at being a sarcastic, disenchanted youth.
Plus, you know, he's gorgeous.
that helps.
Definitely a must-see.

IMDB says:A classic Disney fairytale collides with modern-day New York City in a story about a fairytale princess who is sent to our world by an evil queen. Soon after her arrival, Princess Giselle begins to change her views on life and love after meeting a handsome lawyer. Can a storybook view of romance survive in the real world?
Parcels and Comfits says: I avoided seeing in theaters because I knew it would be stupid. And when people told me it wasn't stupid, I scoffed at their lack of taste.
Because I'm an idiot.
It's amazing.
It's funny, and lighthearted, and you can't help but smile when it's over.
And, it's the only time I've ever actually found Dr. McDreamy to be,
So there.

--Sydney White
Imdb says: modern retelling of Snow White set against students in their freshman year of college in the greek system.
Parcels and Comfits says: Okay, I'll be honest, I only watched this movie because the guy is SOOO GORGEOUS. And, on that account, my expectations were definitely filled. However, the movie itself- though thoroughly cliche and chock-ful of the same jokes that run rampant through every Amanda Bynes movie- was actually not bad. And, by not bad I mean- I would watch it again. In a heartbeat. No- it definitely isn't a classic, and it isn't going to win any awards anytime soon, and Amanda Bynes's hair is horrid... But for what it is- a cute, funny, sleepover movie with not one but TWO hot guys in it, (Yes, I am totally counting the "Sneezy" Lenny as a hot guy- because he SO is.) it was very entertaining.

--Good Luck Chuck
IMDB says:In order to keep the woman of his dreams from falling for another guy, Charlie Logan has to break the curse that has made him wildly popular with single women: Sleep with Charlie once, and the next man you meet will be your true love.
Parcels and Comfits says: Okay, so maybe I'm the easiest date ever... but I adore Dane Cook. I think he's funny, I think he's intelligent, I think he's slightly creepy.
This movie- was horrid. The idiotic script was obviously written by a man, and a stupid one at that.
However... I can't lie... I thought the bit about the pebble was adorable.
But it can't save the rest of the movie from taking a fast car to suckfest central.
--Just Friends
IMDB says:While visiting his hometown during Christmas, a man comes face-to-face with his old high school crush whom he was best friends with -- a woman whose rejection of him turned him into a ferocious womanizer.
Parcels and Comfits says:
This movie wasted 96 minutes of my life.
Actually, that's not true- I stopped watching it halfway through.
That's 48 minutes I'll never get back. I blame you, Ryan Reynolds.
Whew, long post. So, yea- go see these movies! Except for the last two. They suck. I mean, you can go see them, but I'm warning you-
and I remembered that I said I'd be reviewing things over break. Ta Da- I am!
I found a great, (read: barely legal) site that puts up lots of movies, most with japanese subtitles, that you can watch without having to download for FREE!
I know- it's AWESOME.
Anyways, I've been averaging about a movie a night for the past week or so, and I must say- I'm pleasantly surprised. Their selection is a little narrow, but the ones that I've watched have been very good, whole movies without weird cuts or any of those other internet hassles.
A tip for finding movies: go to the Movies tab, click A to Z list, and a list will come up. Pick the movies that don't have (Veoh) next to the name. The Veoh movies are just previews, and even after you sign up for the service, they still are only previews.
So, anyways, I've watched a few movies:
--Rocket Science
IMDB says:Coming of age in Plainsboro, New Jersey. High school student Hal Hefner stutters. On the evening his parents stop arguing and separate, 43 miles away at the state tournament, his school's legendary debater, Ben Wekselbaum, goes blank mid-sentence, Ben's teammate Ginny Ryerson doesn't get a first-place trophy, and the world changes. That fall, to Hal's amazement, Ginny recruits him for the debate team, mentors him, and will be his partner. He still has his stutter, but he works hard and he falls in love with Ginny. On the day of the first debate of the season, the world changes again. From then until the day of the state tournament, Hal has a lot to sort out. Is love rocket science?
Parcels and Comfits says: by far, the best movie I've watched on the site, and easily in my top five ever.
the acting is natural and believable, the humor is subtle and sarcastic, and the story is jeartwarming and heartbreaking all at once. It's darn near perfect. Plus- I now have a HUGE crush Reece Thompson and Nick D'Agosto

--The Chumscrubber
IMDB says:The Chumscrubber starts out with Troy,a normal teenager who supplies "feel good" pills to everyone in his high school(this way he spreads happiness all around). But when his friend Dean pays him a visit, Dean discovers Troy has hung himself in his bedroom during one of his mother's pool parties.After the death,three local teens: Billy,Lee,and Crystal, want what's left of Troy's stash of pills and they know that Dean is the only one who knows where they are. But when Dean refuses to get the pills, the three teens kidnap Dean's little brother, until they realize they've kidnapped the wrong kid.
Parcels and Comfits says: Very funny, great soundtrack, and really touching at times. Jamie Bell, who I have adored since Billy Elliot, is a genius at being a sarcastic, disenchanted youth.
Plus, you know, he's gorgeous.
that helps.
Definitely a must-see.

IMDB says:A classic Disney fairytale collides with modern-day New York City in a story about a fairytale princess who is sent to our world by an evil queen. Soon after her arrival, Princess Giselle begins to change her views on life and love after meeting a handsome lawyer. Can a storybook view of romance survive in the real world?
Parcels and Comfits says: I avoided seeing in theaters because I knew it would be stupid. And when people told me it wasn't stupid, I scoffed at their lack of taste.
Because I'm an idiot.
It's amazing.
It's funny, and lighthearted, and you can't help but smile when it's over.
And, it's the only time I've ever actually found Dr. McDreamy to be,
So there.

--Sydney White
Imdb says: modern retelling of Snow White set against students in their freshman year of college in the greek system.
Parcels and Comfits says: Okay, I'll be honest, I only watched this movie because the guy is SOOO GORGEOUS. And, on that account, my expectations were definitely filled. However, the movie itself- though thoroughly cliche and chock-ful of the same jokes that run rampant through every Amanda Bynes movie- was actually not bad. And, by not bad I mean- I would watch it again. In a heartbeat. No- it definitely isn't a classic, and it isn't going to win any awards anytime soon, and Amanda Bynes's hair is horrid... But for what it is- a cute, funny, sleepover movie with not one but TWO hot guys in it, (Yes, I am totally counting the "Sneezy" Lenny as a hot guy- because he SO is.) it was very entertaining.

--Good Luck Chuck
IMDB says:In order to keep the woman of his dreams from falling for another guy, Charlie Logan has to break the curse that has made him wildly popular with single women: Sleep with Charlie once, and the next man you meet will be your true love.
Parcels and Comfits says: Okay, so maybe I'm the easiest date ever... but I adore Dane Cook. I think he's funny, I think he's intelligent, I think he's slightly creepy.
This movie- was horrid. The idiotic script was obviously written by a man, and a stupid one at that.
However... I can't lie... I thought the bit about the pebble was adorable.
But it can't save the rest of the movie from taking a fast car to suckfest central.
--Just Friends
IMDB says:While visiting his hometown during Christmas, a man comes face-to-face with his old high school crush whom he was best friends with -- a woman whose rejection of him turned him into a ferocious womanizer.
Parcels and Comfits says:
This movie wasted 96 minutes of my life.
Actually, that's not true- I stopped watching it halfway through.
That's 48 minutes I'll never get back. I blame you, Ryan Reynolds.
Whew, long post. So, yea- go see these movies! Except for the last two. They suck. I mean, you can go see them, but I'm warning you-
Friday, April 11, 2008
The time has come, the walrus said, to talk of many things.
one of those things being- napowrimo? what's napowrimo?
also known as- i need to pass precal instead of writing a poem a day.
but- good news!
or... at least... less-than-horrid news-
it's spring break this week, and summer is peaking it's adorable head over the horizon. ahh, summer.
i am so tired of school i could scream, but to save myself strange looks from strangers- i won't.
let's see... oh- i'll give you a rundown of what's going on, and what projects i'll be starting, (hopefully, in the next couple of weeks.
i have long been a fan of podcasts and ItunesU- but i came across some interesting synopsized podiobooks that i'll be trying out and reviewing over my break.
possibly... actually- this has a giant maybe in front of it, since i have not been in the fashion mood lately.
--book reviews and recommendations
goes along with the podiobooks, i'll tell you what i'm reading, what i'm loving, and what's better left on the shelf.
--movie reviews/recommendations
erm... ditto above.
---and... other stuff.
i'm a terrible blogger, but i will try to keep up with this thing now that my life is showing some signs of calming down.
alright- bye, guys.
also known as- i need to pass precal instead of writing a poem a day.
but- good news!
or... at least... less-than-horrid news-
it's spring break this week, and summer is peaking it's adorable head over the horizon. ahh, summer.
i am so tired of school i could scream, but to save myself strange looks from strangers- i won't.
let's see... oh- i'll give you a rundown of what's going on, and what projects i'll be starting, (hopefully, in the next couple of weeks.
i have long been a fan of podcasts and ItunesU- but i came across some interesting synopsized podiobooks that i'll be trying out and reviewing over my break.
possibly... actually- this has a giant maybe in front of it, since i have not been in the fashion mood lately.
--book reviews and recommendations
goes along with the podiobooks, i'll tell you what i'm reading, what i'm loving, and what's better left on the shelf.

--movie reviews/recommendations
erm... ditto above.

---and... other stuff.
i'm a terrible blogger, but i will try to keep up with this thing now that my life is showing some signs of calming down.
alright- bye, guys.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
So, April is upon us, and though I have started late, and completely skived off Script Frenzy- I shall participate in another writing challenge.
I'll post my poems here. and the two of you who read this accidentally can critique them or not.
So, cheerio.
I'll post my poems here. and the two of you who read this accidentally can critique them or not.
So, cheerio.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
gorgeous dress
Monday, February 4, 2008
ear candy
hey- ch-ch-check my new mixtape!
it's awesome, and it features wicked! which makes it awesome^2.
and i promise to post more often, but i've been ridiculously busy lately. geez, junior year is a real ball buster.
later guys.
oh- because you can never go wrong with kurt halsey...

ahh... does it just make you want to squeal with giddyness?
me too. me freaking too.
it's awesome, and it features wicked! which makes it awesome^2.
and i promise to post more often, but i've been ridiculously busy lately. geez, junior year is a real ball buster.
later guys.
oh- because you can never go wrong with kurt halsey...

ahh... does it just make you want to squeal with giddyness?
me too. me freaking too.
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