Friday, April 11, 2008

The time has come, the walrus said, to talk of many things.

one of those things being- napowrimo? what's napowrimo?
also known as- i need to pass precal instead of writing a poem a day.
but- good news!
or... at least... less-than-horrid news-
it's spring break this week, and summer is peaking it's adorable head over the horizon. ahh, summer.
i am so tired of school i could scream, but to save myself strange looks from strangers- i won't.
let's see... oh- i'll give you a rundown of what's going on, and what projects i'll be starting, (hopefully, in the next couple of weeks.

i have long been a fan of podcasts and ItunesU- but i came across some interesting synopsized podiobooks that i'll be trying out and reviewing over my break.

possibly... actually- this has a giant maybe in front of it, since i have not been in the fashion mood lately.

--book reviews and recommendations
goes along with the podiobooks, i'll tell you what i'm reading, what i'm loving, and what's better left on the shelf.

--movie reviews/recommendations
erm... ditto above.

---and... other stuff.
i'm a terrible blogger, but i will try to keep up with this thing now that my life is showing some signs of calming down.

alright- bye, guys.

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