Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I figured i should write in here...

i'm not dead, people who read this- i have just been mortally wounded and bedridden, thus away from my computer for these many fine months.

actually- i lied. i'm just bad at this commitment thing. it's not you, it's me.
anyways- i figured i should stop by and say hi to those two people reading this, who accidentally stumbled across it in some forgotten forum somewhere.

(on life in general)

-i won NaNoWriMo, but I haven't finished my story quite yet.
-i'm working on Christmas presents
-i've written a few poems
-i've become wickedly obsessed with
and am currently making my way through the Jane Austen-y works they have there.

Persuasion is my very favorite so far.
another post soon.
bee kisses,

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