The way it works:
1. Put your iPod on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question.
How am I feeling today?
Cry me a river- justin timberlake
(I’m either bitter or a total emo kid. Take your pick, I prefer the former)
Will I get far in life?
I’ve got you- mcfly
(so I guess that means… yes. If I’ve got you. I am completely dependent on the possession of a person.
I’m screwed.)
How do my friends see me?
There she goes- the la’s
(ha... if this was how my friends saw me, my life would be a bad abcfamily movie.)
When will I get married?
The town that you live in- Sherwood
(hmm… not when but where… magic 8-ball ipod being all vague. I really don’t like this song, I’ve realized.)
What is my best friend's theme song?
naked as we came- Iron and Wine
(ha- I am not EVEN going there.)
What is the story of my life?
Loony Lovegood-the Cedric Diggorys
(Wow… this explains so much.)
What was high school like?
In Other Words- Ben Kweller
How am I going to get ahead in life?
The Rain Song- The Dreamer and the Sleeper
(I’m going to rain. Or, I’m going to sleep. Or maybe a combination of both- I’m not picky.)
What is the best thing about me?
Percy is a Prat- Gred and Forge
(hmmm… maybe that I’m blunt? Or that I insult fictional characters. Take your pick.)
How is today going to be?
Airport Taxi Reception- Sondre Lerche
(sigh… I could comment, but that would take my attention away from my future lover. Gah- I love him)
What is in store for this weekend?
ghosts and memory- night gallery
(whooo… Graveyard tour? Sahweet)
What song describes my parents?
boys and girls- good charlotte
(well… yes, literally I guess.)
What song describes your grandparents?
something to do- stever must lead the rebellion
How is my life going?
breathe- anna nalick.
(well… I guess that’s’s significantly healthier than not breathing)
What song will they play at my funeral?
platform nine and three quarters- john Williams.
( I love my ipod. And my funeral arranger)
How does the world see me?
shadenfreude- avenue q
Will I have a happy life?
you picked the perfect time to be honest- moraine
(Erm… okaaaay)
What do my friends really think of me?
I gotta get through this- Daniel bedingfield
(Ha- ouch.)
Do people secretly lust after me?
santa baby- kylie minogue.
(Yes- but only obese old men who break into strangers’ houses and eat their cookies.
How can I make myself happy?
year to be hated- unitard.
(Hmm… well that sucks)
What should I do with my life?
SOS- Jonas Brothers
(Oh- I guess I should kill myself because I have the Jonas Brothers on my ipod.)
Will I ever have children?
Love is no big truth- kings of convenience
(Ha- alrightey then)
What is some good advice for me?
queen of the party girls- she said yeah
What is my signature dancing song?
Dear Constable- Harrisons
(err- yeah. I mean I can dance to anything, but…)
What do I think my current theme song is?
fire of eternal glory- dmitri Shostakovich
What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
O G and the D- Otis Goodnight
(ooh- jazzy. Alright)
What type of men/women do you like?
Ride Captain Ride- Blue Oyster Cult
(hmm… a bit pervy really)
What kind of kisser are you?
summer girl- beck
(I can only kiss in the summer. Any other time, you are SOL)
What's your style?
breakfast at tiffany;s0 deep blue something.
(Ho-ya I can deal with that.)
What kind of lover are you?
oh yeah- huck johns
What would be playing on a first date?
pink moon- nick drake
(a bit melancholy for a first date, but so it is)
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Across the Universe- Jim Sturgess
(wow… best answer ever)