and I remembered that I said I'd be reviewing things over break. Ta Da- I am!
I found a great, (read: barely legal) site that puts up lots of movies, most with japanese subtitles, that you can watch without having to download for FREE!
I know- it's AWESOME.
Anyways, I've been averaging about a movie a night for the past week or so, and I must say- I'm pleasantly surprised. Their selection is a little narrow, but the ones that I've watched have been very good, whole movies without weird cuts or any of those other internet hassles.
A tip for finding movies: go to the Movies tab, click A to Z list, and a list will come up. Pick the movies that don't have (Veoh) next to the name. The Veoh movies are just previews, and even after you sign up for the service, they still are only previews.
So, anyways, I've watched a few movies:
--Rocket Science
IMDB says:Coming of age in Plainsboro, New Jersey. High school student Hal Hefner stutters. On the evening his parents stop arguing and separate, 43 miles away at the state tournament, his school's legendary debater, Ben Wekselbaum, goes blank mid-sentence, Ben's teammate Ginny Ryerson doesn't get a first-place trophy, and the world changes. That fall, to Hal's amazement, Ginny recruits him for the debate team, mentors him, and will be his partner. He still has his stutter, but he works hard and he falls in love with Ginny. On the day of the first debate of the season, the world changes again. From then until the day of the state tournament, Hal has a lot to sort out. Is love rocket science?
Parcels and Comfits says: by far, the best movie I've watched on the site, and easily in my top five ever.
the acting is natural and believable, the humor is subtle and sarcastic, and the story is jeartwarming and heartbreaking all at once. It's darn near perfect. Plus- I now have a HUGE crush Reece Thompson and Nick D'Agosto

--The Chumscrubber
IMDB says:The Chumscrubber starts out with Troy,a normal teenager who supplies "feel good" pills to everyone in his high school(this way he spreads happiness all around). But when his friend Dean pays him a visit, Dean discovers Troy has hung himself in his bedroom during one of his mother's pool parties.After the death,three local teens: Billy,Lee,and Crystal, want what's left of Troy's stash of pills and they know that Dean is the only one who knows where they are. But when Dean refuses to get the pills, the three teens kidnap Dean's little brother, until they realize they've kidnapped the wrong kid.
Parcels and Comfits says: Very funny, great soundtrack, and really touching at times. Jamie Bell, who I have adored since Billy Elliot, is a genius at being a sarcastic, disenchanted youth.
Plus, you know, he's gorgeous.
that helps.
Definitely a must-see.

IMDB says:A classic Disney fairytale collides with modern-day New York City in a story about a fairytale princess who is sent to our world by an evil queen. Soon after her arrival, Princess Giselle begins to change her views on life and love after meeting a handsome lawyer. Can a storybook view of romance survive in the real world?
Parcels and Comfits says: I avoided seeing in theaters because I knew it would be stupid. And when people told me it wasn't stupid, I scoffed at their lack of taste.
Because I'm an idiot.
It's amazing.
It's funny, and lighthearted, and you can't help but smile when it's over.
And, it's the only time I've ever actually found Dr. McDreamy to be,
So there.

--Sydney White
Imdb says: modern retelling of Snow White set against students in their freshman year of college in the greek system.
Parcels and Comfits says: Okay, I'll be honest, I only watched this movie because the guy is SOOO GORGEOUS. And, on that account, my expectations were definitely filled. However, the movie itself- though thoroughly cliche and chock-ful of the same jokes that run rampant through every Amanda Bynes movie- was actually not bad. And, by not bad I mean- I would watch it again. In a heartbeat. No- it definitely isn't a classic, and it isn't going to win any awards anytime soon, and Amanda Bynes's hair is horrid... But for what it is- a cute, funny, sleepover movie with not one but TWO hot guys in it, (Yes, I am totally counting the "Sneezy" Lenny as a hot guy- because he SO is.) it was very entertaining.

--Good Luck Chuck
IMDB says:In order to keep the woman of his dreams from falling for another guy, Charlie Logan has to break the curse that has made him wildly popular with single women: Sleep with Charlie once, and the next man you meet will be your true love.
Parcels and Comfits says: Okay, so maybe I'm the easiest date ever... but I adore Dane Cook. I think he's funny, I think he's intelligent, I think he's slightly creepy.
This movie- was horrid. The idiotic script was obviously written by a man, and a stupid one at that.
However... I can't lie... I thought the bit about the pebble was adorable.
But it can't save the rest of the movie from taking a fast car to suckfest central.
--Just Friends
IMDB says:While visiting his hometown during Christmas, a man comes face-to-face with his old high school crush whom he was best friends with -- a woman whose rejection of him turned him into a ferocious womanizer.
Parcels and Comfits says:
This movie wasted 96 minutes of my life.
Actually, that's not true- I stopped watching it halfway through.
That's 48 minutes I'll never get back. I blame you, Ryan Reynolds.
Whew, long post. So, yea- go see these movies! Except for the last two. They suck. I mean, you can go see them, but I'm warning you-