ok... so school's starting. i need some semblance of a destressing routine if i'm going to make it to christmas. thus, ta-da... Chick Flicks! *collective gasp*
i know, i know... chick flicks- lame and sappy. i myself don't really enjoy said flicks when the make me cry like a 2 year old. but- i have put together a list of movies that are a fail-safe fool-proof zip-a-dee-doo-da way to a better day.
(yes- i'm feeling corny. leave me alooooone.
ok- criteria:
1) must involve hot male-age. (obviously.) if i'm having a bad day- it is essential that i get to stare at loverly gorgeous guys for an hour and a half without interruption.
2) ...
actually- i didn't get past the hot guys.
oh well.
1)Drive Me Crazy
ok... one of the sappiest teen movies ever... BUT- it has Adrien Grenier, and as you see from my man list (earlier post)... i have a weakness for big floppy hair and pouty lips.
and adrien grenier... so this movie is essential.
---acceptable replacement- 1st season of Entourage
2)Mean Girls
"my boobs can tell when it's going to rain."
"well... they can tell when it's raining"
also- the soccer guy? yea- he gets hotter every time i see it
---acceptable replacement- Clueless. (why? because it's ALSO a classic.see what i did there? it's called improv. yea- i'm pretty much awesome at that.)
3)Pretty In Pink
because i have a thing for awful prom dresses, reformed jerks, and the Duckster.
---acceptable replacement- 16 Candles.(oooh- Jake Ryan *fangirl squeal*)
4)Legally Blonde
i don't even like Luke Wilson, and I STILL love this movie. that's how good it is. also- is it sad that this convinced me I want to be a lawyer?
don't answer that.
--- acceptable replacement- none... this is an essential!
5)Ten things I Hate About You
Seriously? You're reading the explanation? It's Ten Things!
--- acceptable replacement- yea, right.
6)The Improtance of Being Earnest-
i have the biggest crush on colin firth. i don't care how old he is- he's so freakin pretty!
---acceptable replacement- Bridget Jones 1&2... actually... those should be supplements, not replacements. you can never have too much firth.
honorable mentions:
Never Been Kissed- ooh, hot for teacher
Chasing Liberty- tall and gangly? check. british accent? check. hotness? check^4
The Princess Diaries- aaah Rooneylove.
Coyote Ugly- makes me want to dance on tables and snog random food-service workers.
Pride and Prejudice- the one with matthew mcfadden... because it has matthew mcfadden
The Sweetest Thing- okay... it grosses me out but it's so hilarious
Can't Buy Me Love- aww- teenage Dr. Mcdreamy!
The Sure Thing- john cusack. 'nuff said
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Guy Candy
mmkay- i found a post on the fashion spot that listed a bunch of hott (two t's for exxtra hottness) guys and thought, huh...
this is completely useless and unproductive.
so i'm making my own
because i have yet to figure out how to post images from my computer onto fashionspot.
here goes...
the list
kicks off with a personal favorite- the guy who made geeks "cool" again...
(as if they ever stopped?)

Adam Brody as Seth Cohen (The OC)
i like my boys geeky
also- He listens to Deathcab, and yet doetsn't have the urge to straighten his sexy curls into a gay sway. must look into this phenomenon...

Matthew Mcfadden as Mr. Darcy (Pride and Prejudice
"i love you... most ARDENTLY"
gotta love a guy with a nice vocabulary.
also- gorgey blue eyes don't hurt.

Hugh Laurie as House
he's insensitive, sarcastic, blunt, and old enough to be my dad.

Adrian Brody a la Liberty Heights- i couldn't find the right picture...
he plays a moody jewish kid who falls in love with some preppy princess chick, and when she goes psycho, he's still mr. sensitive
real reason:
i have a thing for guys with big noses.

Christian Bale a la The Prestige
it's Christian Bale.

Jason Schwartzman aka thatcuteguyfromthatbandintheprincessdiaries a la Rooney... or the Princess Diaries
in the movie, he fixes cars, and plays a keyboard with m&ms on it.
and i love m&ms so...

Adrien Grenier a la thatabcfamilymoviewiththatchickfromsabrinatheteenagewitchwhereheplayshergeekyneighborbutthenshemakeshimovertomakeherboyfriendjealousandfallsinlove...imdb says: "Drive Me Crazy", also- "devil Wears Prada", and "entourage"
two words-
jew fro.

Sean Biggerstaff as Oliver Wood
cute smirk, and adorably gawky
pervy reason:
his last name's Wood.
and he says about 12 variations of "let me seeyour broomstick" per book.

Cubist Literature guy
ok... so even though he's probably gay, he's very hot in a connor oberst-y way. AND hes makes things.
so there.

Danny from Mcfly
yes, his band leaves something to be desired... but his deep, scratchy voice and perpetually floppy hair make up for it.
bonus: he distracted me from both that guy's abs and Lindsay Lohan's acting in "Just My Luck"...
and that would make anybody hot.

This guy from Facehunter
it's all about the hair

Patrick Dempsey a la Grey's Anatomy
I think "Dr. McDreamy" says it all.

Heath Ledger a la 10 Things I Hate About You
1) he buys her a guitar
2) ...
he buys her a freaking guitar.
aaaaah maleness.
this is completely useless and unproductive.
so i'm making my own
because i have yet to figure out how to post images from my computer onto fashionspot.
here goes...
the list
kicks off with a personal favorite- the guy who made geeks "cool" again...
(as if they ever stopped?)

Adam Brody as Seth Cohen (The OC)
i like my boys geeky
also- He listens to Deathcab, and yet doetsn't have the urge to straighten his sexy curls into a gay sway. must look into this phenomenon...

Matthew Mcfadden as Mr. Darcy (Pride and Prejudice
"i love you... most ARDENTLY"
gotta love a guy with a nice vocabulary.
also- gorgey blue eyes don't hurt.

Hugh Laurie as House
he's insensitive, sarcastic, blunt, and old enough to be my dad.

Adrian Brody a la Liberty Heights- i couldn't find the right picture...
he plays a moody jewish kid who falls in love with some preppy princess chick, and when she goes psycho, he's still mr. sensitive
real reason:
i have a thing for guys with big noses.

Christian Bale a la The Prestige
it's Christian Bale.

Jason Schwartzman aka thatcuteguyfromthatbandintheprincessdiaries a la Rooney... or the Princess Diaries
in the movie, he fixes cars, and plays a keyboard with m&ms on it.
and i love m&ms so...

Adrien Grenier a la thatabcfamilymoviewiththatchickfromsabrinatheteenagewitchwhereheplayshergeekyneighborbutthenshemakeshimovertomakeherboyfriendjealousandfallsinlove...imdb says: "Drive Me Crazy", also- "devil Wears Prada", and "entourage"
two words-
jew fro.

Sean Biggerstaff as Oliver Wood
cute smirk, and adorably gawky
pervy reason:
his last name's Wood.
and he says about 12 variations of "let me seeyour broomstick" per book.

Cubist Literature guy
ok... so even though he's probably gay, he's very hot in a connor oberst-y way. AND hes makes things.
so there.

Danny from Mcfly
yes, his band leaves something to be desired... but his deep, scratchy voice and perpetually floppy hair make up for it.
bonus: he distracted me from both that guy's abs and Lindsay Lohan's acting in "Just My Luck"...
and that would make anybody hot.

This guy from Facehunter
it's all about the hair

Patrick Dempsey a la Grey's Anatomy
I think "Dr. McDreamy" says it all.

Heath Ledger a la 10 Things I Hate About You
1) he buys her a guitar
2) ...
he buys her a freaking guitar.
aaaaah maleness.
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