Sunday, December 14, 2008

Wow, I am a terrible blogger.

So, this is a terrible blog. I am terrible at updating.

However- I'm here with good news! I've decided to take the Wardrobe Refashion challenge, as I have way too many clothes that need to be refashioned. Also- I don't have any money, and I need some new clothes to get ready for college. WHOO
I contacted the person in charge of Wardrobe Refashion, so hopefully I'll be a pproved, and for the next four months I'll bust that stash and get some new clothes while living the sustainable life.

I Weatherly Richardson pledge that I shall abstain from the purchase of "new" manufactured items of clothing, for the period of 2 / 4 / 6 months. I pledge that i shall refashion, renovate, recycle preloved items for myself with my own hands in fabric, yarn or other medium for the term of my contract. I pledge that I will share the love and post a photo of my refashioned, renovoted, recycled, crafted or created item of clothing on the Wardrobe Refashion blog, so that others may share the joy that thy thriftiness brings! Signed Weatherly Richardson

p.s. It is extremely annoying how Blogspot turns every word of the title to another language. Just saying.

p.s.s. The picture has nothing to do with this post, but Broccoli Wokly? Awesome.

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